I'm sitting here at Joe Polish's $25K Genius Mastermind Network in Tempe Arizona with true giants of marketing...people who have businesses that generated $40 to $$80 million a year...and we are discussing how to develop an intro (bio) about yourself when speaking. The exercise is to make a top 10 list of the biggest accomplishments (and interesting facts) about us, and this exercise got me thinking...
What better way to develop your USP (unique selling proposition). Trying to come up with a USP is a challenge the stumps many of my MSP clients. If that's you, then do this...
Write down:
1. The top 10 most interesting and impressive facts about you.
2. Ditto with your company.
3. The top 10 most impressive case studies/results you've been able to create for your clients...and maybe, who are your top 10 most impressive clients.
4. Top 10 values and beliefs you adhere to when running your company and servicing your clients.
5. The top 10 things you are most proud of.
Do this and you'll have the raw fundamentals on a very powerful USP. And remember, people aren't buying (or not buying) managed services, they are buying YOU.