I have the audacity to believe that I can tell you, in one single sentence, why so many small MSPs flop, fumble, and struggle with making any real money in their business, rolling around in mediocrity, never amounting to anything worth writing home about.
Wanna know?
Here it comes...
Because the vast majority of MSps are constantly, eagerly, and foolishly waiting around -- even searching for -- a simple solution to a complex problem.
Getting other business owners to trust you with their money and their computer network is NOT an easy thing to accomplish.
The occasional postcard or average brochure is not going to get it done.
And until and unless you are ready to get serious about learning how to attract new and profitable clients – marketing your business – and give up waiting and hoping for a simple solution to present itself, you are going to never going to make any headway.
We're all damn spoiled. We live in an instant-fix, ultra-conventient, dare I say "pampered" world. Good for those of us who like conveniences. There aren't too many things in life where there isn't someone trying to sell you the fast-instant-easy fix. Bad for your mindset if you are trying to accomplish anything worthwhile...especially in marketing and growing your MSP business.
Do you want to be in the slim margin who get rich?
Then reject claims for instant and easy fixes to your sales and marketing problems and instead embrace complex, multi-step, multi-faceted marketing campaigns that are consistent AND powerful.

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