High Gas Prices, Rising Costs And The Economic Slump Aren’t Slowing These Small MSPs Down!
If you’re worried about the doom and gloom being sold by the media regarding the ‘economic crisis,’ read on…
At the time of writing this I’ve just been on a whirlwind tour, completing two coaching meetings with my Genius League and Producers Club members, two ASCII events and a speaking engagement at the RSPA Retail Now Conference. Wow. Lotsa work but even more reward.
But what impressed me the most from getting out and meeting with the ‘ground troops’ is the fact that so many of my small MSP clients are more than surviving – they’re thriving.
When I posed the question at both my coaching meetings is anyone feeling the pinch of the economy, no hands went up, and only a few said they felt a slight dip—nothing more. Instead we saw presentation after presentation of how these members are securing BIG windfalls, raising prices, securing longer contracts, and growing fast.
At the Genius League meeting in San Diego, John Tate from Xnet Systems, Inc. shared a simple, incredibly CHEAP campaign he used to go from $48,000 to over $243,000 in sales in under 4 weeks targeting medical companies. Pam Viveiros of Think Tech Computers shared a seminar marketing campaign she used to secure $78,840 in managed backup services and $117,600 in project work—something she learned from fellow Genius Leaguer MJ Shoer of Jenaly Technology.
MJ held a BDR seminar where he closed over 12 deals in 60 minutes. Randy Hall Worldland Technology shared how he was able to increase his rates by 10% while simultaneously securing longer-term managed services contracts (3 years vs. 1 year) adding an additional $266,040 in revenue, and closing 5 new clients...all in a 3-week window.
At my Producers Club meeting, the results were every bit as good – sometimes better…

Linda Lynch from KI Technology shared how she used a lunch and learn seminar to introduce a much-needed cash surge. Walt Ely from System Care Inc. shared how he secured a 304% increase this year and a GREAT marketing campaign involving a lottery ticket for following up on prospects that always gets a call back and positive response.
Laura Aaronson of MLANS shared a highly effective, reliable and repeatable sales process to easily closing managed services that does not rely on cheapest price tactics – and to date, she’s never lost a sale to a competitor. Robert Gerace of Computer Resource Center shared how he secured over $350,000 in recurring revenue in just a few months.
There were many more I’m not mentioning to save space – but I can assure you I’m only scratching the surface of what was shared and discussed at both meetings in terms of revenue growth, new sales, and expanding profits.
Compare THAT to the hundreds of other IT businesses owners who are weeping and wailing about the slow economy and rising gas prices. So what are THESE folks doing that everyone else isn’t?
They are simply choosing NOT to participate in the economic slowdown.
While others are drawing back, laying off staff, and cautiously reducing their marketing budgets out of fear, my clients are turning up the heat and aggressively marketing, promoting themselves in new and creative ways, digging in deeper into existing clients, and doing double time on fueling sales.
If you want to check out the marketing systems they are using, you should attend my one-day event where I'm going to reveal my "9-Step Marketing Secret."
As the saying goes, you are either part of the steamroller or part of the pavement – you decide.

If you’re worried about the doom and gloom being sold by the media regarding the ‘economic crisis,’ read on…
At the time of writing this I’ve just been on a whirlwind tour, completing two coaching meetings with my Genius League and Producers Club members, two ASCII events and a speaking engagement at the RSPA Retail Now Conference. Wow. Lotsa work but even more reward.
But what impressed me the most from getting out and meeting with the ‘ground troops’ is the fact that so many of my small MSP clients are more than surviving – they’re thriving.
When I posed the question at both my coaching meetings is anyone feeling the pinch of the economy, no hands went up, and only a few said they felt a slight dip—nothing more. Instead we saw presentation after presentation of how these members are securing BIG windfalls, raising prices, securing longer contracts, and growing fast.
At the Genius League meeting in San Diego, John Tate from Xnet Systems, Inc. shared a simple, incredibly CHEAP campaign he used to go from $48,000 to over $243,000 in sales in under 4 weeks targeting medical companies. Pam Viveiros of Think Tech Computers shared a seminar marketing campaign she used to secure $78,840 in managed backup services and $117,600 in project work—something she learned from fellow Genius Leaguer MJ Shoer of Jenaly Technology.
MJ held a BDR seminar where he closed over 12 deals in 60 minutes. Randy Hall Worldland Technology shared how he was able to increase his rates by 10% while simultaneously securing longer-term managed services contracts (3 years vs. 1 year) adding an additional $266,040 in revenue, and closing 5 new clients...all in a 3-week window.
At my Producers Club meeting, the results were every bit as good – sometimes better…

Linda Lynch from KI Technology shared how she used a lunch and learn seminar to introduce a much-needed cash surge. Walt Ely from System Care Inc. shared how he secured a 304% increase this year and a GREAT marketing campaign involving a lottery ticket for following up on prospects that always gets a call back and positive response.
Laura Aaronson of MLANS shared a highly effective, reliable and repeatable sales process to easily closing managed services that does not rely on cheapest price tactics – and to date, she’s never lost a sale to a competitor. Robert Gerace of Computer Resource Center shared how he secured over $350,000 in recurring revenue in just a few months.
There were many more I’m not mentioning to save space – but I can assure you I’m only scratching the surface of what was shared and discussed at both meetings in terms of revenue growth, new sales, and expanding profits.
Compare THAT to the hundreds of other IT businesses owners who are weeping and wailing about the slow economy and rising gas prices. So what are THESE folks doing that everyone else isn’t?
They are simply choosing NOT to participate in the economic slowdown.
While others are drawing back, laying off staff, and cautiously reducing their marketing budgets out of fear, my clients are turning up the heat and aggressively marketing, promoting themselves in new and creative ways, digging in deeper into existing clients, and doing double time on fueling sales.
If you want to check out the marketing systems they are using, you should attend my one-day event where I'm going to reveal my "9-Step Marketing Secret."
As the saying goes, you are either part of the steamroller or part of the pavement – you decide.

I am happy that these people are being successful!
However, what are the options for those of us who are starving in this business and cannot afford the 9K+ subscription fee?
All of these members started out with my Toolkit. There are PLENTY of specific campaigns and instructions in there to get you these results at a fraction of the cost. Plus, we are doing full-day Implementation Seminars for free to all of our clients. The ones in the coaching program pay those dues because they have already used the Toolkit to get well beyond starvation and want my help to get them to the next level.
Thanks. That is helpful. When are these classes held?
These classes specifically (Genius League and Producers Club) are part of my Master Mind Group Coaching. You need to be a client to gain access...and you can become a client by going to my web site and enrolling in the Toolkit or Managed Services Blueprint: www.technologymarketingtoolkit.com
Outside of those meetings, I am holding a one-day workshop on October 3rd in Seattle: www.technologymarketingtoolkit.com/smbnation - it's the only one I'm doing and we don't have plans on doing it again until (perhaps)next October.
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